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The Jebao SDW pumps are a new pump from Jebao, and include an updated sine wave control signal that vastly improves the lifespan of the pump motors.


There are 5 wave modes, as well as a built in master/slave function, feed timer and night mode. The controller can also be locked to prevent unwanted changes.


The modes are as follows:


W1: Wave Mode

W2: Sine Wave Mode, pump pulses between 30% and 100% in a sine wave pattern

Else: Random flow pattern- note flow can not be adjusted in this mode

H: Constant flow mode

C: Anti-sync pulse- 2 or more pumps in master/slave mode required


The SDW-5 has a maximum output of 1,500gph, and measures 2″ long with a 1.75″ diameter. The outer magnet works on glass up to 3/8″.


The SDW-9 has a maximum output of 2,500gph, and measures 2.5″ long with a 2″ diameter. The outer magnet works on glass up to 1/2″.


The SDW-16 has a maximum output of 4,250gph, and measures 3″ long with a 2.5″ diameter. The outer magnet works on glass up to 5/8″.


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