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Care Level :Expert
Temperament :Peaceful
Reef Safe :Yes
Diet :Flake, Pellet, Brine, Greens
Origin :Indian Ocean
Acclimation Time :3+ hours
Coral Safe :Yes
Invertebrate Safe :Yes
Minimum Tank Size :180 gallons



The Blue Hippo Tang, a.k.a. Regal Tang, is a beautiful blue fish with black bands and a yellow tailfin. These fish have interesting behavior and do well in groups. The Blue Hippo likes lots of rockwork to help make it feel secure. They can be kept singly or in groups. The Blue Hippo can be very timid and may wedge themselves under rocks and into caves and crevices when young or new to an aquarium. In the wild they will wedge themselves into coralheads and branching corals. They are very peaceful towards other fish and do well in a peaceful community or reef tank. This fish will often lie on its side and “play dead”.The Surgeonfish family consists of fish which are colorful, thin-bodied, and usually have an oval shape. These fish have long continuous dorsal and anal fins and crescent tailfins. The scalpel at the base of their tailfin is very sharp and is used by the fish for protection from predators as well as a way of establishing itself with other fish. These fish are usually seen at reefs eating algae all day long.

Blue Tang

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